Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Career Movers Series: The Interview Starts At Your Car

Recently I walked through a lobby of a business that is in heavy hiring mode (yes, those companies do exist!).  Sitting uncomfortably in an overstuffed chair was a young man in what appeared to be his nicest "work" outfit.  He was clearly nervous.  He was looking down, only making brief eye contact with those who passed by (the knowing "Are you the interviewer?" eye scan), and fumbling with the papers on his lap.  His posture was awful and the slumped shoulders were made more noticeable as he sat at an angle in the chair with his legs spread.

I wanted to rush over and command, "Sit up, legs together, chin up, eyes upward, smile, and sit with as much confidence as you can muster.  The interview started at your car!"  I controlled myself, but have noted he has never resurfaced in the company's uniform.

No matter how scared, beaten down, or overwhelmed you are as you search for a new job, you must go in to each interview with the confidence of someone who is comfortable in his/her own skin.  No one wants to hire someone who is timid and unsure.  We want to hire people who show the confidence to represent us well and take control of the job we need done.  So, promise yourself that going forward you will begin the job interview from the moment you get out of the car.  Be confident, professional, and, for gosh sake, use the posture your grandma always demanded. 

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