Sunday, September 4, 2011

Savvy Professionals Series: Make Networking Easier - Be Interested In The Other Person

The two biggest misperceptions about networking are that it is a form of begging only done when you need something from someone (for example, a job) and that it is all about you.  Living under these misperceptions will cause you to miss the point and the opportunities of networking.

First, networking is not about asking for anything.  It is about developing relationships with people that involve sharing time and information.  Sometimes that information will be focused on what you do and what you are looking for, but most of the time it will focus on sharing information with other people about everything from your favorite summer vacation spot to the hiring trends in your industry.  The information shared develops common points of interest, adds value for both and develops a bond of professional (sometimes even personal) friendship.  To build those relationships you must take part in networking regularly.  Waiting until you need something may be too late and always asking for things can hurt the relationship.  You must be prepared to put in the time and give to the other person.

Second, networking is not all about you.  When you network, you are not meant to put on a show to impress the other person.  You should not fill the time explaining your greatness or the greatness of whatever it is you are hoping to sell.  The interactions should be about both of you so you ensure the other party gains some value from the interaction.  That value can come in the form of a pleasant distraction, but is more helpful when it comes in the form of information.  So, when networking you should ask questions and really listen to the answers.  How did you get in to your field?  What has been surprising about what you do?  What do you like most about what you do?  Are there good ways for your to network in your industry?  And, most importantly, What can I do to help you?

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